Assignments are fundamental to education. They form a feedback loop to verify learning. The Assignments add-on enables you to easily create digital assignments and to easily do record keeping. You can add assignments and quizzes to your Live and Recorded Classes to evaluate students' understanding of the subject. You can create time-bound assignments and grade assignments, with the option to return the assignment for resubmission.
Improve comprehension
Enable students to complete activities to learn facts and concepts. You can include questions and responses as text or a mix of image, audio, or video files.
Validate learning
Receive timely responses in the form of quizzes, long-form answer submissions, and file uploads. You can offer multiple patterns of questions in your quizzes and assignments.
Record keeping
Record keeping is easy, maintainable, accessible, and environment friendly as compared to paper-based assignments. You can view scores over time, across locations, students, groups of people, and time for the same class.
This article will cover information on Assignments Add-on:
Features and Benefits
- Multiple choice questions: You can offer a question that allows selecting the correct answer from the choices offered in the response, as shown below:
- Multiple answer questions: You can offer a question that allows selecting one or more responses from the options offered, as shown below:
- Long-form answer submission: For an assignment, you can offer questions that allow free-form text responses, as shown below:
Upload files as responses: For an assignment, you can ask the student to upload a file in response to the question, as shown below:
Retake/ Pass on questions: For a quiz, you can allow retakes, and move to the previous question, as shown below:
For an assignment, you can allow to skip the current question and pass on to the next, as shown below:
Set submission deadlines: You can set the duration to complete the quiz and assignment, as shown below:
Grade submissions: For a quiz, grading is automatic and the teacher/student gets to know the points scored in the quiz. For an assignment, the teacher can grade the students based on their responses to the question. The teacher has the option to start grading the assignment submission when it is opened or defer it to later, as shown below:
- Provide written feedback: You can provide feedback to students, to make their learning more productive, as shown below:
Allow retakes and resubmissions: For a quiz, you can allow to retake it. If the retake option is enabled, the student who has "Completed" the quiz will have the "Start" option enabled, as shown below:
For an assignment, you can allow to return it for resubmission, as shown below:
The Assignments add-on enables you to enforce your brand and provides additional options to be included in your Live and Recorded Classes.
The add-on costs $19.95/month in the US. Country-specific pricing is available here: Add-ons Pricing.
Enabling Add-on
- Ensure that you are logged in to your LearnDesk Account at
- Click on 'Teach' to show the menu, and then click on 'Settings' as shown below:
You will be directed to School settings, click on the Add-ons tab. Scroll down to the section Add-on - Assignments and click on the “Add” button, as shown below (the image is illustrative, refer to Add-ons Pricing for updated information):
Configuring Add-on
After the Assignments Add-on is enabled, you will be able to configure the following assignments and receive submissions as part of your Live and Recorded Classes.
Configure assignment for Live Class
Open your Live Classes, and navigate to the class for which the assignment is to be included, as shown below:
For instance, we are including an assignment for Live Class 'Hey Kids, Let's Code!'. Click on the class link to navigate to the class editor. You will be directed to the 'Overview' tab. Navigate to the 'Materials' tab as shown below:
On the 'Materials' tab, to add an assignment, click on the 'Add' button as shown below:
If you click on the 'Add' button, you will navigate to a decision screen, where you may click on the 'Assignment' button as shown below:
On click of 'Assignment,' you will navigate to the 'Materials' tab, where a new section of type 'Assignment' is included, as shown below:
Assignments can include multiple questions. The format of the question section is as shown below:
Each question has these sections:
- Question - this could be only a text question or text question based on an image or audio or video, as shown below:
- Question Format - multiple options are available, as shown below:
- Points - for each question.
- Answer - the answer to the question, as shown below:
- Assignment Options - Passing score, Weight, Maximum Time, Last Submission Time, and Duration, as shown below:
Configure assignment for Recorded Class
Open your Recorded Classes, and navigate to the class for which the assignment is to be included, as shown below:
For instance, we are including an assignment for Recorded Class 'Introduction to Data Structures'. Click on the class link to navigate to the class editor. You will be directed to the 'Overview' tab. Navigate to the 'Lessons' tab as shown below:
To add an assignment under an existing section, on the 'Lessons' tab, navigate to the respective Section and click on the 'Add Lesson' button as shown below:
If you click on the 'Add Lesson' button, you will navigate to a decision screen, where you may click on the 'Assignment' button as shown below:
On click of 'Assignment,' you will navigate to the 'Lessons' tab, where a new lesson of type 'Assignment' is included, as shown below:
To add an assignment under a new section, scroll down to the 'Add Section' button and add a new section as the first step, as shown below:
On click of the 'Add Section' button, a new section will be added in the 'Lessons' tab, as shown below:
Update the information for 'Section title' in the newly added section (added as shown in the above image).
As the second step, within the newly added section, click on the 'Add Lesson' button as shown below:
If you click on the 'Add Lesson' button, you will navigate to a decision screen, where you may click on the 'Assignment' button as shown below:
On click of 'Assignment,' you will navigate to the 'Lessons' tab, where a new lesson of type 'Assignment' is included, as shown below:
An assignment can include multiple questions. The format of the question section is as shown below:
Each question has these sections:
- Question - this could be only a text question or text question based on an image or audio or video, as shown below:
- Question Format - multiple options are available, as shown below:
- Points - for each question.
- Answer - the answer to the question, as shown below:
- Assignment Options - Passing score, Weight, Maximum Time, Last Submission Time, and Duration, as shown below:
View Submissions
View Submissions of Live Class
Quiz and Assignment response is visible under the 'Submissions' tab, with a separate tab for quiz and assignment, as shown below:
To view a quiz response, click on the 'Points' link, as shown below:
On clicking of Points link, you will navigate to a new window, as shown below:
The quiz is automatically graded based on the answers included in the class. Responses are color-coded, for easy identification, as shown below:
View Submissions of Recorded Class
Quiz and Assignment response is visible under the 'Submissions' tab, with a separate tab for quiz and assignment, as shown below:
To view an assignment response, click on the 'Assignment' link, as shown below:
On clicking of Assignment link, you will navigate to a new window with an open decision message, as shown below. You may decide to evaluate the assignment immediately by the click of 'Yes' button or defer it later by the click of 'Cancel' button:
- If you click on the 'Yes' button, you will be directed to the assignment to begin the evaluation, as shown below:
You can evaluate in complete (Submit) or partial and save your progress (Save) or decide to return the assignment to the student for a reason such as incomplete (Return), using the buttons, as shown below: - If you click on the 'Cancel' button, you will be directed to the assignment, with the option to Start Grading, as shown below: