If you are looking for information to update LearnDesk Account settings, this article will provide the useful information.
Ensure that you are logged in to your LearnDesk Account on LearnDesk (https://www.learndesk.us), as shown below:
Under the 'Account' menu, navigate to the "Settings" section as shown below:
You will be directed to Account Settings, as shown below:
Information can be viewed or updated, or both for these fields:
- Username
- Phone number - update phone number of LearnDesk account. This is different from LearnDesk School Business Phone Number.
- Time Zone - for Live Classes schedule, correct time zone information is important for students.
- Email - the email address that is used to create LearnDesk account can be updated.
- Login Accounts - to update the manner to log in to your LearnDesk account.
- Password
- Payment Methods - to purchase any items (Recorded Class, Live Class, Product, Video, Bundle), a Payment Method is required.
- Affiliate URL
After the required field is updated, ensure you click on the "Update" button for that field, as shown below: