On LearnDesk, a learner can pick any Video based on their need, requirement, or learning interest. A teacher can view all learners who have purchased their video under the 'Users' tab of the respective video, as shown below:
LearnDesk aids in the author's growth by providing the list of buyers of the Video, which can be extracted using the 'Export' option. The author will receive the list on the email address (used to create the LearnDesk School account), as shown below:
LearnDesk also provides you the option to enroll users by themselves by clicking on the "Enroll" button located on the left side of the page, as shown below:
If Email Marketing Add-on is enabled, individual users can be included in an existing email campaign or can be included in a new audience set, as shown below:
To view the user progress, click on a user name, as shown below: