Coupons are strategically used to encourage customers to buy a new product which helps boost your profit margin. Also, coupons can create loyalty with existing customers by using the discount as a reward to ensure they continue to buy.
LearnDesk coupons help engage students for a new class or a new teacher who is getting started to increase student reach and revenue. You can choose to display a coupon code within your sales pages of items (Live Class, Recorded Class, Digital Product, Video, Bundle).
Before you begin this article, please be sure to complete the steps listed in the following article: Create a Coupon
LearnDesk Coupons include the following main features:
- LearnDesk Coupons distinctly has two types "Percentage" and "Fixed". Teachers can use any one of the types to provide coupons to their students, as shown below:
- The discount amount on the coupons is decided by the Teachers. If they allow "Fixed type," the discount value is in Amount; otherwise, if they enable "Percentage type," the discount value is in %, as shown below:
- Coupons can be utilized for the 'All Items' or the 'Specific Items' by activating any one of the types, as shown below:
- The LearnDesk Coupons duration is set to either All payments or First payments when they are created, as shown below:
- The usage limit of the Coupons is set which determines the number of times the coupon code can be used, as shown below:
- When creating a coupon, the active date and expiration date are specified, determining how long the coupon code is valid, as shown below:
- In the Basic page of LearnDesk Coupons, how many members are used this coupon code is displayed which helps the teachers to maintain the data, as shown below:
- Coupons are displayed on the sales page by enabling the customization ad-on under the basics tab which increase the student reach, as shown below: