Classes must strive to adhere to the following requirements:
- The foremost goal of LearnDesk classes is to genuinely provide knowledge and to educate. Hence the focus of classes should be learning and improving knowledge in the area of the instructor's expertise.
- The intention of classes should not be to promise or guarantee any specific outcomes. Outcomes are heavily dependent on the student's application of your knowledge and hence instructors should not promise any specific outcomes. Hence, classes should not make references to specific outcomes "e.g. cure cancer" or monetary compensation in their title or description.
- Classes should have a minimum of 20 minutes of content for students to study through and learn from across all sections and topics of the class. We encourage well-structured courses that are of a longer duration.
- Classes available for free off of LearnDesk should be offered for free on LearnDesk as well.
- Classes should have an introduction and include it as a free preview that briefly describes the class.
- Limit self-promotion including your business or website logos to the introduction and conclusion only.
- Classes should have good audio and video quality that does not interfere with class instruction.
- Classes should be not be branded for any other online teaching platform.
- Classes should have a clear course outline and a plan.
- Classes should not be simple demonstrations of tools/methods that are widely understood. They should provide insights, important perspectives, and focus on educating the student.
- Classes should not use an external course or instructional materials that were not created by you.
- Each class should only be uploaded once on the platform.
- Do not use all caps titles for your classes or section headings. Our system may automatically apply title-casing.
- Do not add terms like "Free" or "MasterClass" in your class titles.
- You are responsible for the ownership of your content including all copyrights, trademarks, or private label rights, etc. You must have permission for any supplemental materials that you have included such as photos or audio tracks.
- Do not publish classes where the course instructor is different from you or where you do not represent them.
- If teaching as a group, the account that was used to submit the class is responsible for the class contents as well as to share revenues between multiple creators. We do not split revenues etc. If there is a disagreement over content ownership, LearnDesk will comply with DMCA regulations.
- Classes about teaching on other educational platforms are not permitted.
- Classes that teach students how to resell existing products or services such as network marketing or multi-level marketing are not permitted.
Please make sure that your classes adhere to our community guidelines.